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1 of 20 questions

  • 1) Trading rights in favour of which of these companies and in which year was issued for watershed drainage into Hudson Bay?

  • 2) What does it mean by the word Kanata in Iroquoian?

  • 3) In 1942 the government of Canada forcibly removed the Japanese Canadians from the west coast and relocated them at different places, also confiscated their property.

  • 4) Who was the greatest soldier of Canada?

  • 5) In which year RED was assigned as the national colour of Canada?

  • 6) Lower Canadians were Protestant and upper Canadians were Catholic in Canada.

  • 7) What was the name of the greatest leader of Metis army?

  • 8) What did we find from the Raid on Dieppe (1942) and Defence of Hong Kong (1941)?

  • 9) Where on a D-Day of 6 June 1944 troops of around 15000 Canadians were stormed and captured?

  • 10) In which month of 1918 did the First World War end?

  • 11) Between 1914 and 1920, nearly 8000 people, mostly Ukrainians, were forced to work across Canada in 24 labour camps.

  • 12) For what reason was Major General Sam Steele famous?

  • 13) From which year the map of Canada started appearing on the World maps?

  • 14) What profession did these three people ‘The Cree’, ‘The Huron -Wend’ and ‘Dene’ had?

  • 15) In 1814 the British demolished and burned the white house in the Washington, DC.

  • 16) Name the place where the Huron Wend live?

  • 17) Peace between the French and the Iroquois was established in the year ______ .

  • 18) What is the estimated death toll of Canadians in the First World War?

  • 19) Who was the founder of Canadian women's suffrage movement?

  • 20) Since 1918 Canadian women received the right to vote in the federal elections.

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